
Write a REVIEW of HoneyRose Foundation

 You can create your REVIEW via the Yell.Com Link  : See Below
Before you dart off - Take a look at some common questions to help you while writing your review
You could use any, or multiple of these - It's just to get you started !

Have you been a customer of HoneyRose Foundation in the past? 

Have you used or visited our website? 

Overall, how satisfied are you with your HoneyRose Foundation experience?

How likely are you to recommend HoneyRose Foundation to others?

Rate your overall satisfaction with our team, during a pickup/collection.

 How do you feel that our team dealt with your pickup/delivery ?

How likely are you to use HoneyRose Foundation again ?


Have you used or visited our shop in the town centre? 

Were you greeted in a friendly manner?

Did our staff answer your questions?

Did you find our staff helpful and courteous?

Were you served promptly?

In a few words - What can our team do better?

Describe how you feel about what HoneyRose Foundation does as a charity.

How do you think we could improve your experience with HoneyRose Foundation?

If you could choose just ONE WORD you would use to describe HoneyRose Foundation,

That one word would that be …

HoneyRose Foundation

We Make the Days, So You Can Cherish The Moments Review us on Yell

Thank You

for taking the time

to consider reviewing

HoneyRose Foundation

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